
The technology in my life For me technology is essential, since I was very young I had access to it and it has allowed me to be "close" to people when the distance was too big, for example I used video calls with my father, when he lived in Alabama when I was only 8 or 9 years. I didn't start using technology for my tasks until some time later when tasks became more specific and searching on the internet simplifice them. today technology provides me comforts that I never imagined, even more in pandemic times, I can see the classes on the iPad and at the same time (with the multitasking function) take my notes or advance in the projects, even without getting out of bed and i also have in my room an Apple TV so I can share the ipad or phone screen and watch the classes on the TV.  (multitask on ipad) It is difficult for me to be without technology, in fact when the internet goes it is very exasperating couse even my lighting is connected to the wi fi and I can not tur
    The best vacation ever. (WARNING! Contains sensitive content)   Definitely the best vacations and that I will never forget were this year. We traveled with my family to Villarrica for about a month and during that time we visited different places First we went to visit a viewpoint of the Villarrica volcano, we thought we would arrive by car and walk a few minutes to the viewpoint, but we were wrong, the walk to the volcano took two hours up and two hours down, no one was prepared for that, although It was totally worth it because the views were amazing and we walk in a spectacular araucaria forest.                                 In the trip we also visited Valdivia, a very beautiful city and navegate its river was a beautiful moment, there we went to Niebla and I ate the best chupe de locos I have ever tasted.         Another trip was to Huilo Huilo, a wonderful place, with spectacular trails and very blue waters,it seems a magical place.                           When
  Hashemite Kingdom Of Jordan (also called simply Jordan) When I first heard about the wonders of the modern world, there was one that catch my attention, Petra, located in Jordan. Jordan is a country located in western Asia, its capital and most populous city is Amman, one of its greatest attractions is Petra, a city carved in sandstone by the Edomites in the 8th century BC and considered one of the wonders of the world. One of the things that I would also love to do there is to bathe in the Dead Sea, 10 times saltier than the ocean and the Earth's lowest elevation point (on land) 400 meters below sea level, due to its salinity it is almost impossible to sink, Jordan shares this lake with Israel and Palestine. Also, if you are a Christian person or interested in Christianity and religion, there are many places to visit in Jordan, one of them is the Jordan River, more specifically Bethany, the place where Jesus was baptized. Without a doubt, Jordan is a very interesting country t
