The best vacation ever.

(WARNING! Contains sensitive content)

 Definitely the best vacations and that I will never forget were this year. We traveled with my family to Villarrica for about a month and during that time we visited different places

First we went to visit a viewpoint of the Villarrica volcano, we thought we would arrive by car and walk a few minutes to the viewpoint, but we were wrong, the walk to the volcano took two hours up and two hours down, no one was prepared for that, although It was totally worth it because the views were amazing and we walk in a spectacular araucaria forest.


In the trip we also visited Valdivia, a very beautiful city and navegate its river was a beautiful moment, there we went to Niebla and I ate the best chupe de locos I have ever tasted.


Another trip was to Huilo Huilo, a wonderful place, with spectacular trails and very blue waters,it seems a magical place.


When we only had a one day to retourn  I had an accident running in the grass, I broke my ankle, we had to return to Santiago and i had a surgery, it was definitely an unforgettable vacation,and now I have a plaque, nine screws and a scar that remind me the travel, but not in a bad way.



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